Each bid must be 10% higher than the one before. The previous bidder will immediately receive their money back + 5% (minus gas fees). The rest is the artist's royalty.
A winning bid receives an NFT in their wallet of a bubble. As soon as there is a subsequent bid, the bubble passes on to the next winner. The previous transaction will become a receipt which advertises your return.
A portion of the artist's proceeds will be allocated to carbon offset credits, making this a carbon neutral project.
**Once your bid has been accepted, your maximum bid is cancelled, and you must re-submit a bid.
Each bid generates a unique animation with a growing number of bubble particles and size variations. The Boltzmann Entropy equation was used to calculate and design the NFT. The entropy of the non-existent token NFT is proportional to the number of sales, and represented by the number and variation of bubble particles.
Keep the address with which you bid safe, because it will be the one where ETH will be returned.
Your bid may be locked up for an indeterminate period of time. (seconds, minutes, weeks, eternity)